CE Opportunities


Date Species Details CE Hour(s) Type
0Beef Feedlot, Meat Plant, Swine, Poultry
Canadian Food Inspection Agency: Amendment to Part XII: Transport of Animals: Health of Animals Regulations
- Online Webinar - http://www.animaltransportationassociation.org/industrynews/7389600

Webinar summary: The reasons, the methodology and the response to the new federal animal transport regulations.

Species: Beef Feedlot, Meat Plant, Swine, Poultry
Topic: Canadian Transportation Regulations
Web link: http://www.animaltransportationassociation.org/industrynews/7389600
BQA modules
Web link: https://bqa.beeflearningcenter.org/catalog/
In person
Temple Grandin Glass Walls Videos
Web link: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkBbso1kwZ3bZTqN5MBLqHWGpRqPCH7gK
In person
Improving Animal Welfare and Communication with the Public

Temple Grandin Professor of Animal Sciences, Colorado State University; author of several books including "Livestock Handling and Transport" and "Thinking in Pictures" Temple Grandin thinks in pictures, and those pictures help her help animals and their handlers by keeping animals calm and less stressed in situations that could be quite stressful for them.

Species: Multiple
Topic: Temple Grandin, behavior, public, stress, handling
Web link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=meV3XVCMP4w
On Farm Euthanasia of Sheep with Jennifer Woods

Based on Code of Practice requirements, this webinar will provide information to help maintain animal welfare and handler safety during on-farm euthanasia, including:
  • Why an animal should be euthanized
  • Timeliness of euthanasia
  • Who should euthanize an animal
  • How to euthanize an animal
  • What should be done with the carcass of an animal after euthanasia.

Species: Sheep
Topic: euthanasia, captive bolt, stunning
Web link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64-x3vlFlhU
0Beef, Dairy, Bovine
Lameness in Cattle (Farm Animals) 1 - Veterinary Medicine, White Board Tutorial

Lameness in farm animals is a big issue which has its huge impact on production and profits and also it has ethical point related to animal welfare.

Species: Beef, Dairy, Bovine
Topic: lameness, scoring, vet, health
Web link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxJHj-cNe4s
A Conversation About Animal Welfare

Dr. Angela Green, Assistant Professor, from the Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering at the University of Illinois discusses animal welfare.

Species: Multiple
Topic: animal welfare
Web link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAZekuNZVWk
Temple Grandin Keynote at 2012 VT Grazing Conference: Animal Welfare Auditing

At the 2012 Vermont Grazing and Livestock Conference, Dr. Temple Grandin of Colorado State University gave her keynote presentation on How to Set Up and Implement Animal Welfare Auditing Systems. 

Species: Multiple
Topic: Temple Grandin, audit, auditing
Web link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRs4krS-uOM
0Poultry, Chickens
"Chickens on camera: automated assessment of welfare using optical flow" By Professor Marian Dawkins

The system works by using cameras to monitor the movement of whole flocks and then analysing the statistical properties of this movement to give information about not only welfare but also key human health issues such as Campylobacter. 

Species: Poultry, Chickens
Topic: chicken, poultry, assessment, assess, behavior, welfare, management, analysis
Web link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qjIuMESr878
Panel - Animal Welfare Standards from the Processors & Retailers

Animal Welfare Standards from the Processors & Retailers - Ms. Sarah Wilbourn, Director, Animal Welfare, United Egg Producers; Mr. Jose Rojas, Vice President, Farm Operations, Hormel Inc.; Mr. Mike Brown, Director, Dairy Supply Chain, Kroger Foods; Ms. Christine Summers, Product Safety & Quality Assurance, Costco

Species: Multiple
Topic: Round Table, Panel, Discussion, production, obstacles, problems
Web link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNmHMETanuw
Wisconsin Idea Seminar - Balancing Animal Welfare with Economic Realities. Nigel Cook (Nov 2017)

Presentation on economic realities regarding animal welfare and humane handling

Species: Dairy
Topic: economics, economic, problems, balance, balancing, welfare
Web link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbX4tEouMHs
BQA: Cow/Calf Certification

For those who breed and sell weaned calves. These courses teach methods for raising your cattle in accordance with BQA fundamentals. Topics involve cattle health, stockmanship, marketing, emergency planning, and meat quality. 

Species: Beef
Topic: BQA, beef, care, storage, handling, Spanish
Web link: https://bqa.beeflearningcenter.org/Default.asp?
BQA: Stocker/Backgrounder Certification

For those who raise and sell feeder cattle. These courses teach methods for raising your cattle in accordance with BQA fundamentals. Topics involve cattle health, stockmanship, marketing, emergency planning, and meat quality. 

Species: Beef
Topic: BQA, beef, care, storage, handling, Spanish
Web link: https://bqa.beeflearningcenter.org/Default.asp?
BQA: Feedyard Certification

For those who feed and sell fed cattle. These courses teach methods for raising your cattle in accordance with BQA fundamentals. Topics involve cattle health, stockmanship, marketing, emergency planning, and meat quality. 

Species: Beef
Topic: BQA, beef, care, storage, handling, Spanish
Web link: https://bqa.beeflearningcenter.org/Default.asp?
BQA: Transportation Certification for the Professional Driver

These courses teach proper methods for hauling cattle including biosecurity, fitness for transport, trip planning & loading, and emergency management. There are two courses offered: Emphasis on commerical, semi trailers

Species: Beef
Topic: BQA, beef, care, storage, handling, Spanish
Web link: https://bqa.beeflearningcenter.org/Default.asp?
BQA: Transportation Certification for the Farmer and Rancher

These courses teach proper methods for hauling cattle including biosecurity, fitness for transport, trip planning & loading, and emergency management. There are two courses offered: Empasis on gooseneck trailers

Species: Beef
Topic: BQA, beef, care, storage, handling, Spanish
Web link: https://bqa.beeflearningcenter.org/Default.asp?
DACQA - Animal Health

The Dairy Animal Care and Quality Assurance - Animal Health package is meant to assist dairy producers in implementing good animal heath practices on their dairy operation. This is accomplished through focusing on the animal heath specific modules of the Dairy Animal Care and Quality Assurance - Comprehensive package. DAQCA training equips dairy producers with the tools needed to practice quality animal care and food production.

Species: Dairy
Topic: DACQA, Dairy, care, operations, health
Web link: https://www.animalcaretraining.org/default.aspx?action=PackageDetail&type=DAIRY
DACQA - Comprehensive

The Dairy Animal Care and Quality Assurance – Comprehensive package is designed to assist dairy producers in producing quality dairy and beef products by providing information on topics such as nutritional management, marketing and transportation, animal handling, treatment protocols and proper record-keeping.

Species: Dairy
Topic: DACQA, Dairy, care, operations, health, nutrition, handling, records, record-keeping, transport
Web link: https://www.animalcaretraining.org/default.aspx?action=PackageDetail&type=DAIRY
DACQA - Non-Ambulatory Cattle Management Training

The care and handling of a non-ambulatory (downer) animal is an important issue that faces the Dairy industry on a daily basis. It is important for all cattle handlers to understand the proper ways to care for these compromised animals. This package includes three different training modules: The Care and Handling of Non-Ambulatory Dairy Cattle, Human Euthanasia of Dairy Cattle and Carcass Disposal. Each of these modules help prepare the caretaker for the decisions that must be made when dealing with a non-ambulatory animal.

Species: Dairy
Topic: DACQA, Dairy, care, operations, health, euthanasia, compromised animal, non-ambulatory
Web link: https://www.animalcaretraining.org/default.aspx?action=PackageDetail&type=DAIRY
Dr. Noffsinger's Animal Handling Training

Dr. Tom Noffsinger explains routine handling techniques that can help create a more stress free environment for cattle. Topics covered include tagging newborns, preparing for weaning, receiving cattle, processing, and more.
14 modules - $450 for all modules of $50 each module
14 hours of CE credit is if you take all 14 modules. Otherwise you will get credit for the number of modules/hours you sat through.

Species: Bovine
Topic: Handling, cattle stockmanship, bud box, handling, processing
Web link: https://www.animalcaretraining.org/default.aspx?action=PackageDetail&type=Handling
PQA: Pork Quality Assurance

Training focused on-farm for producers and employees working with swine

Species: Swine
Topic: PQA, farm, on-farm, handling, welfare, production
Web link: https://www.pork.org/certifications/pork-quality-assurance-plus/
TQA: Transport Quality Assurance

Training focused on loading, transport, and unloading of swine for truck drivers, load crews, plant personnel

Species: Swine
Topic: TQA, transport, transportation, loading, unloading
Web link: https://www.pork.org/certifications/transport-quality-assurance/
Who Are These Auditors Coming on My Farm? - PORK Academy

Who Are These Auditors Coming on My Farm? - PORK Academy - Collette Kaster, PAACO, from the 2017 World Pork Expo, June 7 - 9, 2017, Des Moines, IA, USA.

Species: Swine
Topic: audit, auditors, CSIA
Web link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POMlOPi4th8
0Beef, Sheep, Poultry
To Stun or Not to Stun: Why Shouldn't The Consumer Know and Choose?

Presentation focused on stunning and public perception

Species: Beef, Sheep, Poultry
Topic: euthanasia, captive bolt, stunning, consumer, public perception
Web link: https://www.thewebinarvet.com/pages/to-stun-or-not-to-stun/
NMPAN Webinar: Best Practices for Kosher & Halal Slaughter in USDA Inspected Slaughtherhouses

Focus on the topic of religious animal slaughter, to better understand what exactly is Kosher and Halal animal slaughter, how it can be done under USDA inspection, and what are the best practices to assure humane kill under these religious tenets.

Species: Beef
Topic: kosher, halal, religious, slaughter, harvest
Web link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKitGEJuKNI&feature=youtu.be
Talking Animal Agriculture Webinar with Michele Payn Webinar

Michele will help you build understanding around hot topics such as housing, hormones and antibiotics. She gives you tips to create an action plan for you to go beyond the choir to more proactively talk about the many issues facing animal agriculture.

Species: Multiple
Topic: Public perception, action plan, discussion, housing, hormones, antibiotics
Web link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z6kXCirCGJk
Webinar: Breeding for Sheep Welfare with Dr. David Scobie

Selection for specific traits can help improve animal welfare, decrease labour costs and increase disease resistance. In this webinar, Dr. David Scobie discusses his experiences in researching and breeding sheep towards this goal

Species: Sheep
Topic: breeding, welfare, disease, health, genetics
Web link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlXYQwRGx6E
Webinar: Humane Handling for Sheep with Jennifer Woods

In this webinar Jennifer reviews the Code requirements in regards to sheep handling and provide you with insight into sheep behaviour and handling techniques to ensure you meeting the Codes. 

Species: Sheep
Topic: handling, behavior
Web link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S1fpMedfUBo
Webinar: Ideas to Reduce Labour and Improve Ewe Welfare at Lambing Time with Philip Berg

In this webinar, Philip Berg will discuss ways to reduce labor at lambing time so sheep producers can spend more time monitoring newborn lambs. 

Species: Sheep
Topic: welfare, newborn, lambing
Web link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYS6bj5gJT4
Animal Welfare Training for the Broiler Industy-Hatchery

Assist broiler growing companies in complying with AW guidelines. They are designed to include industry approved standards which meet those recommended by the National Chicken Council. The AW Audit Tool that is used in conjunction with these guidelines is reflected in the learning objectives of each training and certification module.

Species: Poultry
Topic: Chicken, Poultry, Broiler, operations, hatchery, FACTA, Spanish
Web link: https://factallc.com/training/broiler/
Animal Welfare Training for the Broiler Industy- Manager

Assist broiler growing companies in complying with AW guidelines. They are designed to include industry approved standards which meet those recommended by the National Chicken Council. The AW Audit Tool that is used in conjunction with these guidelines is reflected in the learning objectives of each training and certification module.

Species: Poultry
Topic: Chicken, Poultry, Broiler, operations, manager, management, FACTA, Spanish
Web link: https://factallc.com/training/broiler/
Animal Welfare Training for the Broiler Industy- On-Farm

Assist broiler growing companies in complying with AW guidelines. They are designed to include industry approved standards which meet those recommended by the National Chicken Council. The AW Audit Tool that is used in conjunction with these guidelines is reflected in the learning objectives of each training and certification module.

Species: Poultry
Topic: Chicken, Poultry, Broiler, operations, farm, on-farm, FACTA, Spanish
Web link: https://factallc.com/training/broiler/
Animal Welfare Training for the Broiler Industy- Plant Operations

Assist broiler growing companies in complying with AW guidelines. They are designed to include industry approved standards which meet those recommended by the National Chicken Council. The AW Audit Tool that is used in conjunction with these guidelines is reflected in the learning objectives of each training and certification module.

Species: Poultry
Topic: Chicken, Poultry, Broiler, operations, plant, in-plant, Spanish
Web link: https://factallc.com/training/broiler/
0Poultry, Layer
Animal Welfare Training for the Layer Industry

Assist layer companies in complying with AW guidelines. They are designed to include industry approved standards which meet those recommended by the United Egg Producers (UEP). The AW Audit Tool that is used in conjunction with these guidelines is reflected in the learning objectives of each training and certification module. FACTA AW Training for the Layer Industry programs cover the breadth of all egg producing operations (caged and cage free)

Species: Poultry, Layer
Topic: Chicken, Poultry, Layer, FACTA, operations, egg, cage free, caged
Web link: https://factallc.com/training/layer/
0Swine, Pork
Animal Welfare Training for the Pork Industry - Employee

Assist pork farm operations in complying with industry AW guidelines. FACTA AW Training for the Pork Industry programs include training for production staff and management and cover the breadth of all pork operations:

Species: Swine, Pork
Topic: Pork, Pigs, Swine, FACTA, operations
Web link: https://factallc.com/training/pork/
0Swine, Pork
Animal Welfare Training for the Pork Industry - Manager

Assist pork farm operations in complying with industry AW guidelines. FACTA AW Training for the Pork Industry programs include training for production staff and management and cover the breadth of all pork operations:

Species: Swine, Pork
Topic: Pork, Pigs, Swine, FACTA, operations, manager, management
Web link: https://factallc.com/training/pork/
Animal Welfare Training for the Turkey Industry - Hatchery

Assist turkey growing companies in complying with AW guidelines. They are designed to include FACTA approved standards which meet those recommended by the National Turkey Federation. The AW Audit Tool that is used in conjunction with these guidelines is reflected in the learning objectives of each training and certification module. FACTA AW Training for the Turkey Industry programs cover the breadth of all Turkey growing operations.

Species: Turkey
Topic: Turkey, poultry, FACTA, operations, hatchery
Web link: https://factallc.com/training/turkey/
Animal Welfare Training for the Turkey Industry - Manager

Assist turkey growing companies in complying with AW guidelines. They are designed to include FACTA approved standards which meet those recommended by the National Turkey Federation. The AW Audit Tool that is used in conjunction with these guidelines is reflected in the learning objectives of each training and certification module. FACTA AW Training for the Turkey Industry programs cover the breadth of all Turkey growing operations.

Species: Turkey
Topic: Turkey, poultry, FACTA, operations, manager, management
Web link: https://factallc.com/training/turkey/
0Turkey, Poultry
Animal Welfare Training for the Turkey Industry - On-Farm

Assist turkey growing companies in complying with AW guidelines. They are designed to include FACTA approved standards which meet those recommended by the National Turkey Federation. The AW Audit Tool that is used in conjunction with these guidelines is reflected in the learning objectives of each training and certification module. FACTA AW Training for the Turkey Industry programs cover the breadth of all Turkey growing operations.

Species: Turkey, Poultry
Topic: Turkey, poultry, FACTA, operations, farm, on-farm
Web link: https://factallc.com/training/turkey/
0Turkey, Poultry
Animal Welfare Training for the Turkey Industry - Plant

Assist turkey growing companies in complying with AW guidelines. They are designed to include FACTA approved standards which meet those recommended by the National Turkey Federation. The AW Audit Tool that is used in conjunction with these guidelines is reflected in the learning objectives of each training and certification module. FACTA AW Training for the Turkey Industry programs cover the breadth of all Turkey growing operations.

Species: Turkey, Poultry
Topic: Turkey, poultry, FACTA, operations, plant, in-plant
Web link: https://factallc.com/training/turkey/
Cattle Transport and Concerns for Bruising

Cattle Transport and Concerns for Bruising 
Nationwide, well over $30 million per year is lost to cattle bruising and damage done to the carcass leading up to and during transport. In this presentation, OSU Extension Beef Specialist Dr. Steve Boyles discusses ways to reduce these losses while covering the basics of Transportation Beef Quality Assurance.
View video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zBaCP1sPII

Species: Beef
Topic: bruising, bruises, meat quality, cattle, beef
Web link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zBaCP1sPII
Responder and Farmer Wellbeing Before, During and After an Animal Health Emergency

Responder and Farmer Wellbeing Before, During and After an Animal Health Emergency.
View video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ei82u60IcME

Species: Multiple
Topic: emergency, animal health, FAD, foreign animal disease, wellbeing, welfare, human
Web link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ei82u60IcME
1In person
0Cattle, sheep
Canadian livestock Transport (CLT) Cattle/Sheep

A standardized course offering certification that is recognized throughout Canada and United States. The program is led by an industry initiative to address the need for increased accountability and improved handling practices in livestock transport.
$200 CDN or all 4 $525 CDN 
For more information http://www.livestocktransport.ca/en/training/online/

Species: Cattle, sheep
Topic: CLT, Canada, transportation,
Web link: http://www.livestocktransport.ca/en/training/online/
3In person
0Hog, Swine
Canadian livestock Transport (CLT) Hog

A standardized course offering certification that is recognized throughout Canada and United States. The program is led by an industry initiative to address the need for increased accountability and improved handling practices in livestock transport.
$200 CDN or all 4 $525 CDN
For more information http://www.livestocktransport.ca/en/training/online/ 

Species: Hog, Swine
Topic: CLT, Canada, transportation
Web link: http://www.livestocktransport.ca/en/training/online/
3In person
Canadian livestock Transport (CLT) Poultry

A standardized course offering certification that is recognized throughout Canada and United States. The program is led by an industry initiative to address the need for increased accountability and improved handling practices in livestock transport.
$200 CDN or all 4 for $525 CDN
For more information http://www.livestocktransport.ca/en/training/online/ 

Species: Poultry
Topic: CLT, Canada, transportation,
Web link: http://www.livestocktransport.ca/en/training/online/
3In person
Aquaculture Animal Welfare

Aquaculture Animal Welfare 
Three experts from around the globe (Norway, Australia, U.S) discuss the current status of aquaculture animal welfare. 
View video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gV784LiOUY8

Species: Aquaculture
Topic: aquaculture, animal welfare
Web link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gV784LiOUY8
1In person
0Bovine, cattle
Cattle care 365

Merck Cattle Care 365 
For more information please visit https://www.merck-animal-health-usa.com/cattle-care365

Species: Bovine, cattle
Topic: animal welfare, merck
Web link: https://www.merck-animal-health-usa.com/cattle-care365
2In person
0Dairy, cattle
Dairy Care 365

Merck Dairy Care 365
For more information please visit https://www.merck-animal-health-usa.com/dairy-care-365

Species: Dairy, cattle
Topic: animal welfare, merck
Web link: https://www.merck-animal-health-usa.com/dairy-care-365
2In person
Aqua Care 365

Merck Aqua Care 365 
For more information https://www.merck-animal-health-usa.com/aqua-care365

Species: Aquaculture
Topic: animal welfare, merck
Web link: https://www.merck-animal-health-usa.com/aqua-care365
2In person
WEBINAR - Fish Welfare and Aquaculture

Updates on the latest scientific evidence related to aquatic species’ intelligence. Learn about fish welfare issues in aquaculture and fisheries and ways to improve. Webinare by Mr Billo Heinzpeter Studer ( Founder and President of fair-fish – www.fair-fish.net ) and Mr Paolo Bray ( Founder and Director of Friend of the Sea – www.friendofthesea.org ) 
View video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELSD-4PUGl0

Species: Aquaculture
Topic: animal welfare, intelligence, fisheries
Web link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELSD-4PUGl0
1In person
Dr. Becca Frank- Positive welfare for fish: rationale and ways forward

Dr. Becca Franks speaks about work related to fish welfare, discussing how positive welfare fits in with the present fish welfare literature and identifying promising areas for future investigation including research in naturalistic settings and leveraging citizen science opportunities.
View video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pcBn3BMWP2Y

Species: Aquaculture
Topic: animal welfare, research, fish
Web link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pcBn3BMWP2Y
1In person
Fish Welfare Presentation

Fish Welfare Presentation
Presentation to 3rd year veterinary students at Murdoch University, Western Australia. Dr. Loh The Fish Vet.
View video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9H4RA6apC34

Species: Aquaculture
Topic: animal welfare, fish, vet, veterinarian
Web link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9H4RA6apC34
1In person
Do fish feel pain and why does it matter?

Fish, with their lack of facial expressions or recognisable communication, are often overlooked when it comes to welfare. Annually, millions of fish are caught on barbed hooks, or left to die by suffocation on the decks of fishing boats – should we be concerned about this?
View video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyjHHmc7QB0

Species: Aquaculture
Topic: fish, behavior, welfare, pain, ethics
Web link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyjHHmc7QB0
1In person
0Turkey, poultry
Dr. Molly Parker - Poultry Welfare Issues for Turkey Producers

Poultry Welfare Issues for Turkey Producers - Dr. Molly Parker, Food Safety & Animal Care and Well Being, Butterball, LLC, from the 2017 NIAA Annual Conference, U.S. Animal Agriculture's Future Role In World Food Production - Obstacles & Opportunities, April 4 - 6, Columbus, OH, USA. 
View video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zx20O6v8eAY

Species: Turkey, poultry
Topic: poultry, turkey, welfare
Web link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zx20O6v8eAY
.5In person
Dr. Phil Stayer - How We Grow Chickens at Sanderson Farms

How We Grow Chickens at Sanderson Farms - Dr. Phil Stayer, Sanderson Farms, from the 2017 NIAA Annual Conference, U.S. Animal Agriculture's Future Role In World Food Production - Obstacles & Opportunities, April 4 - 6, Columbus, OH, USA.
View video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KD8ONyixJw

Species: Poultry
Topic: poultry, chickens, production
Web link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KD8ONyixJw
.5In person
Mr. Matt Jones - The Role of 3rd Party On-Farm Audits

The Role of 3rd Party On-Farm Audits - Mr. Matt Jones, Vice President of Auditing, Validus Services, from the 2017 NIAA Annual Conference, U.S. Animal Agriculture's Future Role In World Food Production - Obstacles & Opportunities, April 4 - 6, Columbus, OH, USA
View video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2iHEa_wuAiM

Species: Multiple
Topic: auditing, audit, auditors, 3rd party, farm
Web link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2iHEa_wuAiM
.5In person
Ms. Linda Chezem - Legal Perspective, What to Expect, and How to Handle the Activists

Legal Perspective, What to Expect, and How to Handle the Activists - Ms. Linda Chezem, Of Counsel, Foley, Peden, and Wisco & Judge (ret.) Indiana Court of Appeals, from the 2017 NIAA Annual Conference, ""U.S. Animal Agriculture's Future Role In World Food Production - Obstacles & Opportunities"", April 4 - 6, Columbus, OH, USA.
View video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TabQRRHQOfk

Species: Multiple
Topic: activists, animal rights, legal, law
Web link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TabQRRHQOfk
.5In person
Dr. Janet Helms - Animal Welfare Standards: Good for animals. Good for farmers.

Dr. Janet Helms - Animal Welfare Standards: Good for animals. Good for farmers. 
Animal Welfare Standards: Good for animals. Good for farmers. - Dr. Janet Helms, National Director, American Humane, from the 2017 NIAA Annual Conference, ""U.S. Animal Agriculture's Future Role In World Food Production - Obstacles & Opportunities"", April 4 - 6, Columbus, OH, USA
View video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KG7nCUK6xS8

Species: Multiple
Topic: animal welfare, farmers, producers, benefits
Web link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KG7nCUK6xS8
1In person
Panel - Animal Welfare Standards from the Research, Government, and Trade Groups

Panel - Animal Welfare Standards from the Research, Government, and Trade Groups
Animal Welfare Standards from the Research, Government, and Trade Groups - Dr. Tony Forshey, State Veterinarian, Ohio Department of Agriculture; Mr. Mike Bumgarner, President & CEO, United Producers Association; Dr. Candace Croney, Director, Center for Animal Welfare Science, Purdue University; Dr. David Glauer, State Veterinarian Ohio (ret.); Mr. Bryan Black, Past President of the National Pork Producers Council and Member of Ohio Livestock Care Standards, from the 2017 NIAA Annual Conference, ""U.S. Animal Agriculture's Future Role In World Food Production - Obstacles & Opportunities"", April 4 - 6, Columbus, OH, USA.
View video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oNClfSrzp_o

Species: Multiple
Topic: animal welfare, research, trade, panel
Web link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oNClfSrzp_o
1In person
Ms. Chelsea Good - Overview & Comparison of State Farm Animal Welfare Legislation

Overview & Comparison of State Farm Animal Welfare Legislation - Ms. Chelsea Good, J.D., Livestock Marketing Association, from the 2017 NIAA Annual Conference, ""U.S. Animal Agriculture's Future Role In World Food Production - Obstacles & Opportunities"", April 4 - 6, Columbus, OH, USA.
View video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=294xyHD4aFY

Species: Multiple
Topic: animal welfare, state, legislation
Web link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=294xyHD4aFY
.5In person
0Bovine, cattle, Dairy
Safeguarding Animal Welfare

Shows overview of Irish animal welfare and production of Holstein calves for export.
View video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mBxSOl2mL8

Species: Bovine, cattle, Dairy
Topic: animal welfare, Ireland, Europe, cows, export
Web link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mBxSOl2mL8
.5In person
Dr. Matt Ritter - Safe and Effective Animal Movement

Animal Well Being Decisions for Modern Pork Production, Part I Safe and Effective Animal Movement - Dr. Matt Ritter, Elanco Animal Health, from the 2012 Iowa Pork Congress, January 24 - 26, Des Moines, IA, USA.
View video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7HL4OI16ah0

Species: Swine
Topic: pigs, transportation, welfare
Web link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7HL4OI16ah0
.5In person
0Pork, Beef, Poultry, Dairy
CO2 Safety and Operation

This training guide helps prevent accidents and failures when working with Co2. Working with Co2 can very dangerous and costly mistakes can be made easily by untrained employees. Use this to train new and experienced operators.

Species: Pork, Beef, Poultry, Dairy
Topic: CO2, gas, Butina, stunning
Web link: https://clstrategies.com/training-materials
1In person
0Pork, Beef, Poultry, Dairy
Livestock Manager Certification for Harvest Plant leaders and trainers

Focuses include:
1. Animal care, welfare, & evaluation
2. System evaluation/ Hazard analysis
3. Robust Program Creation
4. Manager/ Trainer preparedness
5. Laws and regulations
6. Internal auditing
7. Troubleshooting
8. Emergency response training

Species: Pork, Beef, Poultry, Dairy
Topic: manager, management, RSA, robust systematic approach, animal welfare, regulations
Web link: https://clstrategies.com/training-materials
10In person
0Beef, cattle
Cow-Calf Certification

For those who breed and sell weaned calves. These courses teach methods for raising your cattle in accordance with BQA fundamentals. Topics involve cattle health, stockmanship, marketing, emergency planning, and meat quality. 
For more information https://bqa.beeflearningcenter.org/Default.asp?

Species: Beef, cattle
Topic: BQA, beef, care, storage, handling, Spanish
Web link: https://bqa.beeflearningcenter.org/Default.asp?
3In person
0Beef, cattle
Stocker/Backgrounder Certification

For those who raise and sell feeder cattle. These courses teach methods for raising your cattle in accordance with BQA fundamentals. Topics involve cattle health, stockmanship, marketing, emergency planning, and meat quality. 
For more information https://bqa.beeflearningcenter.org/Default.asp?

Species: Beef, cattle
Topic: BQA, beef, care, storage, handling, Spanish
Web link: https://bqa.beeflearningcenter.org/Default.asp?
3In person
0Beef, cattle
Feedyard Certification

For those who feed and sell fed cattle. These courses teach methods for raising your cattle in accordance with BQA fundamentals. Topics involve cattle health, stockmanship, marketing, emergency planning, and meat quality.
For more information https://bqa.beeflearningcenter.org/Default.asp?

Species: Beef, cattle
Topic: BQA, beef, care, storage, handling, feedyard, Spanish
Web link: https://bqa.beeflearningcenter.org/Default.asp?
3In person
0Beef, cattle
BQA Transportation Certification for the Professional Driver

These courses teach proper methods for hauling cattle including biosecurity, fitness for transport, trip planning & loading, and emergency management. There are two courses offered: Emphasis on commerical, semi trailers
For more information please visit https://bqa.beeflearningcenter.org/Default.asp?

Species: Beef, cattle
Topic: BQA, beef, care, transport, handling, Spanish
Web link: https://bqa.beeflearningcenter.org/Default.asp?
3In person
0Beef, cattle
BQA Transportation Certification for the Farmer and Rancher

These courses teach proper methods for hauling cattle including biosecurity, fitness for transport, trip planning & loading, and emergency management. There are two courses offered: Empasis on gooseneck trailers.
For more information https://bqa.beeflearningcenter.org/Default.asp?

Species: Beef, cattle
Topic: BQA, beef, care, transport, handling, Spanish
Web link: https://bqa.beeflearningcenter.org/Default.asp?
3In person
Disease Prevention & Pastured Poultry Welfare

3/27/2019 BFRDP Workshop: Disease Prevention & Pastured Poultry Welfare
Dr. Richard Blatchford
UC Davis Vet Med Poultry Univeristy
Watch lecture here, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmXj8FozCIE 

Species: Poultry
Topic: animal welfare, disease prevention, poultry welfare, poultry
Web link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmXj8FozCIE
NFACC Conversations: On Board with Farm Animal Transportation

This episode takes an inside look at the first transportation Code Development Committee meeting, held in September 2020, which featured a facilitated discussion amongst the transportation representatives on the committee, led by Dr. Jeffrey Spooner. The conversation introduces you to the people involved in livestock and poultry transportation, the complexities involved in transporting animals, and the advances that have been made over time.

Species: Poultry
Topic: livestock, poultry, transport, Canadian Code
Web link: https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-jr3eq-1195efc?utm_campaign=w_share_ep&utm_medium=dlink&utm_source=w_share
0Beef, Dairy
Calf Care & Quality Assurance

Calf Care & Quality Assurance 
The Calf Care and Quality Assurance program promotes a mindset - a way of thinking - that prompts calf raisers to approach management decisions with thoughfulness and an appreciation for the responsbility they have to their animals, consumers, the environment, and the broader cattle industries in the United States. 

Species: Beef, Dairy
Topic: calf management and care
Web link: https://training.calfcareqa.org/?redirect=0
Is there room for improvement in poultry reproduction?

Dr. Andrew Benson joins the Poultry Podcast Show and discusses improving reproductive performance and welfare in broiler breeders. 
To watch webinar visit, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gspCMCK0yk

Species: Poultry
Web link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gspCMCK0yk
Swine it Podcast: Animal Welfare Audits: Are you prepared for them?

Everyone in the swine industry is ethically responsible for protecting our animals as well as promoting their welfare, safeguarding natural resources, and producing safe food. Once we do that, we keep building and improving our customer relationships, because we receive their trust. That's why internal and third-party audits and certification programs are so essential – and to answer many of the questions on pork producers' and managers' minds when it comes to the matter, I talk with Emily Erickson. Ms. Erickson has vast knowledge and experience in that area and in this episode, she explains what the different types of audits are, what an animal welfare audit looks like, and how auditors are trained.

Species: Swine
Topic: Swine
Web link: https://www.swinecampus.com/blog/swineitpodcast-186